If someone were asked to describe you, would they use the word JOYFUL?

Scripture promises us that in the Lord's presence, there is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11).

But what if we are going through a season when joy is hard to find?

Join me for a FREE 10 DAY CHALLENGE where we will take a look at what might be stealing the joy that is promised to us, regardless of our circumstances.  

This 10 day challenge is for you if you struggle with...

  • Worry 
  • Comparison with others
  • ​Ingratitude
  • Insecurity
  • Perfectionism
  • People Pleasing
  • Spiritual attack
  • ​Isolation/Loneliness
  • Jealousy
  • Unforgiveness

How are we going to eliminate these joy stealers?

I'm so glad you asked!

God's Word

The Bible will be our ultimate guide for eliminating these joy stealers in our lives.  We are powerless to change without it! It has the power to eliminate the joy stealers in our lives.

The Joy Stealers Workbook

Each day's challenge will have a daily worksheet that will guide you through questions and answers from God's Word.  Each day will have a particular Scripture we can use to bring back our joy!

Daily, Encouraging Videos

You will receive a daily challenge video with an example of that day's joy stealer and instructions to encourage you identify and eliminate it through Scripture and exercises in the daily workbook.

Short on time? Each day's challenge will take you only 5-10 minutes to complete!

Get instant access the Workbook and Day 1's video NOW!

To get the most out of this challenge: 

  1. Sign Up Below!
  2. Download your "Eliminating Life's Joy Stealers" Workbook
  3. Check your inbox each day for an email to watch that day's challenge video.

Shawn is real and relatable!

" She has been my mentor & friend for 15 years and is still my go-to person when I'm in need of godly wisdom, truth and understanding."

Sue Matrunola, Certified Speaker and Coach with the John Maxwell Team

Shawn has a comprehensive knowledge of the Scriptures!

"Shawn sensitively captures the power of the Scriptures and presents the Word in a very approachable light, teaching context and building the story with anointed insight that gives any student, new or seasoned, an unforgettable journey of study through Scripture. Shawn’s comprehensive knowledge of God’s Word, coupled with an unquenchable thirst to see the God in Scripture be known, allows for an experience that keeps a student coming back for more.

Jessica Wyatt, Forest Hills Baptist Church, Nashville, TN

I Would Love to See You in the Challenge!

It is my passion to serve you and learn with you as we apply God's Word to everyday struggles. 

You will find a friend in me who understands that life is hard, but God's Word provides everything we need to bring back our joy and glorify Him. It would be my honor to have you join me! Blessings to you my friend!